Hayley Williams Discourages Tourism in Nashville


Hayley Williams Discourages Tourism in Nashville

As COVID-19 cases continue to rise in Nashville, Hayley Williams is urging for any out-of-towners who want to visit Music City to think twice.

“Please don’t come to Nashville. Plan your bachelorette party somewhere else this time,” she said in one of her Instagram stories, referring to the fact that Nashville is a top destination for those celebrations.

“Tourists, people from out of town, are coming in and crawling up and down Lower Broadway taking shots to terrible music,” she said. “I just don’t understand what the governor or the mayor are doing. So here I am bitching on Instagram.”

Williams continued her critique of how the state and local governments have been handling the situation in Nashville.

“Our governor, our mayor, our local officials will not listen,” she said. In fact, they arrest peaceful protestors who are masked, but they let tourists crawl over Lower Broadway, drunk and hanging out the sides of party buses. That’s not even Nashville.”

Sharing businesses local Nashville residents can support at this time, Williams emphasized her point to tourists by ending with “If you really believe in Nashville, don’t come here until this shit is handled.”

Nashville Mayor John Cooper placed a public heath order requiring restaurants to close at 10 pm to discourage tourists from making mass gatherings around the Lower Broadway area. Nashville bars have shuttered, except those that serve food.

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