Neil Young Shares Previously Unreleased 1974 Tune 'Homefires'


Neil Young Shares Previously Unreleased 1974 Tune 'Homefires'

Neil Young has performed “Homefires” live since it was recorded in 1974, but the tune has never been officially released. Until now.

The song features Young on vocals and guitar and Tim Drummond on bass. The duo produced the track as well.

Subscribers to the Neil Young Archives can hear the entire track here or on the site’s mobile app. You can also listen to a snippet via the tweet below.

The tune was cut at Young’s studio on Broken Arrow Ranch on June 16, at the same time as “Pardon My Heart,” a solo version of “Love/Art Blues” and more, with most of the songs from those sessions remaining in Young’s ballyhooed vaults.

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