Future Islands’ sixth LP, As Long As You Are, houses more than its fair share of perfect songs including “For Sure” and “Plastic Beach.” The synth-pop outfit shined a light on both of them this week by releasing a majestic 9-minute remix of the former and performing the latter on Late Night With Seth Meyers. Let’s start with Dan Deacon’s exquisite overhaul. “Like most people, the last year has made me realize how important my friends are to me, and how much I miss being with them,” the artist/producer explains.
“When the guys released ‘For Sure,’ it really brought me back to memories of when we lived together and I could hear them practicing in the basement,” he continues. “When I got the stems I didn’t really have a plan for the remix other than I wanted to hear Sam’s voice with piano and strings, and it just started growing from there in an organic way. It was a comforting project that brought me close to people I love and missed very much.” Listen to the stunning remix below and check out Future Islands’ typically great late night performance at the bottom of the post.
“For Sure” remix:
“Plastic Beach” on Seth Meyers:
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