End Release Debut Album 'Splinters From An Ever-Changing Face': Stream


End Release Debut Album 'Splinters From An Ever-Changing Face': Stream

The New Jersey-based band metallic hardcore End make some truly ugly music. A few years ago, Counterparts frontman Brendan Murphy got together with Fit For An Autopsy guitarist Will Putney, as well as current and former members of bands like Dillinger Escape Plan, Blacklisted, Shai Hulud, and Misery Signals to form End. All of those bands are heavy. End might be heavier than any of them.

Today, End have followed up their 2017 debut EP From The Unforgiving Arms Of God with Splinters From An Ever-Changing Face, their first-ever full-length. And, I mean, good lord. Holy fuck. They went in on this thing. It fucking destroys. Early tracks “Pariah,” “Covet Not,” and “Fear For Me Now” were warnings that End were not fucking around on this thing. But somehow, those songs did not prepare me for the searing blast of cleansing, gut-ripping fire that is this album.

Splinters From An Ever-Changing Face is 11 straight tracks of absolute wreckage. It never lets up. It just gets nastier and nastier. The breakdowns on this thing make me want to clothesline a SWAT van. It’s a fucking beast. Stream it below.

Splinters From An Ever-Changing Face is out now on Closed Casket Activities.

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