MCR's Mikey Way Tells Fans Reunion is 'Just on Pause'


MCR's Mikey Way Tells Fans Reunion is 'Just on Pause'

After reuniting for the first time in years last December, My Chemical Romance planned to spend 2020 with a big reunion tour. However as the global pandemic started to grow, MCR, like other acts, had to postpone it.

And while fans all over the world are sad over that fact, Mikey Way has some reassuring words about their comeback.

“I know fans have been waiting a long time, but it’ll all still be here when this is all over,” he told BBC’s Radio 1 Newsbeat.

Way also added, “Live music isn’t going anywhere, it’s just on pause for everybody.”

The My Chemical Romance guitarist wasn’t really happy at first that they, along with everyone else, would need to halt their 2020 plans and he admitted that he’s “trying to take myself out of a selfish place.”

But Way also sees something positive about the extended wait.

“I feel like people are waiting with bated breath,” he said. “It’s a light at the end of the tunnel and I think there’s something really cool about that.”

In the interview, Way also announced his new graphic novel, Electric Century, which is scheduled to release in September. He jumped into the comic book world in 2019 with Collapser, which was distributed by DC Comics.

“I feel like fictional worlds are very important to people right now,” he said. “I’m seeing loads online about [Nintendo Switch game] Animal Crossing – I’ve never seen a video game resonate with people like this, it’s like it’s a lifeline for people.”

He continued, “So I feel like stories are resonating with people more because it’s a way to shut off your brain. People need that escape and there aren’t many escapes right now.”

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