Morrissey Blames Push for 'Diversity' for Label Dropping Him


Morrissey Blames Push for 'Diversity' for Label Dropping Him

After releasing three successful albums with BMG, Morrissey and the label have parted ways.

In a message posted on his website, Morrissey Central, the singer said that the label “appointed a new Executive who does not want another Morrissey album. He also cited the executive’s “new plans for ‘diversity’” as a cause for his departure.

Morrissey continued by saying:

“This news is perfectly in keeping with the relentless galvanic horror of 2020.” He added: “We would be critically insane to expect anything positive.

“My three albums with BMG have been the best of my career, and I stand by them till death. Recording them has been a pivotal period in my life, and I thank the previous BMG team and everyone involved for that. It’s still important to me to do music my own way, and I wouldn’t want to be on a label that dictates so specifically how their artists should behave – especially when the word ‘talent’ is notably never mentioned.”

SPIN reached out to BMG and the label said that Morrissey’s “three-album deal has come to an end.”

See BMG’s full statement below.

“BMG has released three exceptional Top 10 albums from Morrissey over the past three years, including some of the best work of his career. That three album deal has now come to an end. We wish him well in the next chapter of his career. BMG continues to represent much of Morrissey’s catalogue and are working with his team to ensure it gets the attention it deserves.”

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