American Idol alum Nikki McKibbin has passed away at the age of 42. The singer came in third place during the show’s inaugural season in 2002. That year’s runner up, Justin Guarini, broke the news on Instagram yesterday with a touching tribute.
“…I’ll never forget the day that her idol, Stevie Nicks, sent her flowers with a card that said ‘You are the Gypsy that I was…’. Nikki was on cloud nine and the joy and excitement that radiated from her was infectious. After the kind of emotional beating she took at the hands of the masses, she deserved to feel good about herself, even for a little while,” he wrote. “Rest well, ‘Gypsy’…and thank you for the laughter, merciless teasing, strength, vulnerability, love and friendship you showed me during our time together in the spotlight.”
Last night, Redeye Radio host Gary McNamara revealed via Twitter that McKibbin had suffered from an aneurysm and would be taken off life support. See his tweet and Guarini’s tribute below.