Village People's Victor Willis Tells Trump to Stop Playing Group's Music at Rallies


Village People's Victor Willis Tells Trump to Stop Playing Group's Music at Rallies

Trump supporters may not be hearing “Y.M.C.A.” at his rallies anytime soon.

Following a Friday Facebook post from vocalist Victor Willis, the Village People have just joined the ever-growing list of artists requesting the president doesn’t play their music at his rallies, which already included Rihanna, Aerosmith and Prince’s estate. Willis’ request came after protesters were cleared outside of the White House so President Trump could have his photo taken in front of a church last week.

“If Trump orders the U.S. military to fire on his own citizens (on U.S. soil), Americans will rise up in such numbers outside of the White House that he might be forced out of office prior to the election. Don’t do it Mr. President,” Willis wrote. “And I ask that you no longer use any of my music at your rallies, especially “Y.M.C.A.” and “Macho Man.” Sorry, but I can no longer look the other way.”

Back in February, the group announced that Trump’s use of “Y.M.C.A.” and “Macho Man” was “perfectly legal” and called the Village People’s music “all-inclusive.” But following weeks of protests and the president’s response, Willis’ take has certainly changed.

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