A Scott Pilgrim anime series voiced by the movie’s cast is coming to Netflix. As Variety reports, the principal cast members of the film — which is a 2010s indie rock time capsule — will reunite for the series, currently in development. That means Michael Cera, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Satya Bhabha, Kieran Culkin, Chris Evans, Anna Kendrick, Brie Larson, Allison Pill, Aubrey Plaza, Brandon Routh, Jason Schwartzman, Johnny Simmons, Mark Webber, Mae Whitman, and Ellen Wong will reprise their roles in the anime.
The show will be co-written and executive produced by Bryan Lee O’Malley, who created the graphic novel it’s based on, and BenDavid Grabinski. Edgar Wright, who directed the film, is also an executive producer, and it sounds like he was the one who wrangled the cast back together.
“One of the proudest and most enjoyable achievements of my career was assembling and working with the dynamite cast of Scott Pilgrim,” Wright said in a statement provided to Variety, continuing:
Since the film’s release in 2010 we’ve done Q&A’s, remembrances and charity read throughs, but there was never the occasion to reunite the whole gang on an actual project. Until now… Original creator Bryan Lee O’Malley, along with writer BenDavid Grabinski have conjured up an anime series of ‘Scott Pilgrim’ that doesn’t just expand the universe, but also…well, just watch it. I’m more than happy to announce that I have helped coax the entire original cast back to voice their characters on this epic new adventure. You are in for a treat.
Anamanaguchi, who made the music for the also-popular Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World video game, will write original songs for the show.