Bully’s new album SUGAREGG is such a rush, but Alicia Bognanno does slow things down here and there. “Hours And Hours,” the album’s third single following “Where To Start” and “Every Tradition,” is one of those instances. Over slow-creeping Pixies-esque bass and shakers, Bognanno reflects on her relationship with her mother, occasionally exploding into big distorted chorus: “I’m not angry anymore! I’m not holding onto it!”
A word from the woman herself:
“Hours And Hours” is about my mother and I finally figuring out our relationship. She and I had a really hard time connecting growing up and at times felt like it would never happen. Over the past five years we have become best friends, she is now the very first person I call when I am at my absolute lowest and has saved my life. I realize now how similar we are and how that probably had everything to do with why we had a difficult time with each other growing up. I wish I knew sooner how much we could relate but am eternally grateful that we have figured it out now and I’m just so thankful to be on good terms, I love her dearly.
Listen below.
SUGAREGG is out 8/21 on Sub Pop. Pre-order it here.