Just a few months ago, Eastern Shore extreme-metal experimentalists Full Of Hell teamed up with Nothing for the great collaborative album When No Birds Sang. Now, Full Of Hell are already deep into the rollout for Coagulated Bliss, a new album of their own. We’ve already posted the intense lead single “Doors To Mental Agony,” and now they’ve also dropped another track that might be even more intense.
Full Of Hell’s new track “Gasping Dust” is a wild 69-second blurt of grindcore ugliness. The band has messed around with a lot of different sounds and ideas over the past 15 or so years, but a chaotic tantrum like this represents their true north. Ross Dolan, from veteran Yonkers death metallers Immolation, chips in with a guest vocal, his lower-register growl meshing nicely with Dylan Walker’s midrange screech. Listen below.
Coagulated Bliss is out 4/26 on Closed Casket Activities.