Hannah’s Little Sister are a quartet out of Liverpool that make everything-but-the-kitchen-sink pop music that’s as zany as it is catchy. They only have a couple of songs out in the world so far, including “20” and “Bin Mouth,” but next month they’re releasing their debut EP, the charmingly-titled EP.mp3.
Today, they’re sharing “Gum” from it, a a frenetic jam that sounds a little bit like if Guerilla Toss got mashed up in a blender. The track goes through a few distinct shifts, from chaotic to loungey to dreamy and then back again. It’s all clever and over-the-top and quite exciting.
At the center of it all is a thrilling performance from lead vocalist Meg Grooters, who screams and chants and bashes her way around a warning against products that offer an easy escape: “Losing all our teeth from gum that never loses its flavor/ It’s fun, blowing up bubbles with everyone/ It never loses its flavor, done you a favor, vending your favorite gum.” (Hopefully no gum of the stereo variety.)
“‘Gum’ is another sort of rant (oops!) about consumerism and how it’s constantly distracting us from ourselves and from the state of our society/country/government/world etc. – all of the things!” Grooters wrote in a statement. “I wrote it to remind myself there’s a difference between what I want and need, and what I’m being told or shown I should want or need.”
Check it out below.
And here’s “Bin Mouth”:
01 “Bin Mouth”
02 “Payday Junkie”
03 “Chew”
04 “Gum”
05 “Anywhere”
EP.mp3 is out 11/20 via Heist Or Hit.