Hot Chip's Remix Gives Hayley Williams' "Dead Horse" New Life


Hot Chip's Remix Gives Hayley Williams' "Dead Horse" New Life

Given the way Hayley Williams chose to roll out her debut solo album Petals For Armor — trickling out almost the whole album, one song at a time, over the course of months — you may have tuned out by the time she dropped “Dead Horse.” If so, you messed up. The reggae-inflected rocker is one of the album’s highlights, a connective thread between Paramore’s rhythmically charged After Laughter and this album’s dark, sinewy sound.

Also very good is Hot Chip’s new “Dead Horse” remix out today. The British indie dance-pop kings have turned the track into a hall-of-mirrors house exercise, speeding up the tempo and splicing Williams’ voice into one of many dazzling percussive elements. The tropical vibe remains intact, but with a brisk jolt of energy rather than the original’s languid thump. It remains fascinating to hear how many different ways you can frame the same song — a phenomenon you can behold via the original “Dead Horse,” the Hot Chip remix, and Glass Animals’ darker, more deconstructed remix from a few weeks ago.

Dig into the decidedly not-shitty little song below, where you can find both remixes and the original video — and while you’re at it, check out our recent interview with Williams.

Petals For Armor is out now on Atlantic.

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