Last month, Pavo Pavo’s Eliza Bagg released one half of a new double single, “Night And Day,” through her pop project Lisel. Both songs were produced with Woods’ Jarvis Taveniere — mirroring a similar collaboration she did with Angel Olsen associate Ben Babbitt earlier this year — and today we’re getting the single’s other side, “Die Trying.” It starts off sounding like a higher-gloss Beach House track and builds from there, ending with distorted horn skronks and Bagg’s cascading vocals. “I can’t go on like this day after day/ All the same say my name/ And pray for rain,” she sings.
Here’s Bagg’s statement on the track:
Over the past year or so, I’ve internalized this mantra: my body is smart, my mind is dumb. I’m trying to trust the deeper instincts, realizing my mind is the thing that most often leads me astray. I’m capable of thinking myself into believing any version of reality, and I’m just not that interested in that anymore. That’s where the feeling of “Die Trying” comes from — I might be so willing to convince myself that something could be true when I know that it just isn’t that I’ll literally die, waste away, trying so hard to bend reality to my will. I think this is something we all do, out-logic ourselves into believing something, someone, some path, is right for us when it isn’t.
Listen below.
The “Night And Day” b/w “Die Trying” digital single is out now.