Last month, Hannah Read announced her latest Lomelda album, Hannah. The album cycle kicked off with “Wonder,” a bold first single that also landed amongst our favorite songs that week. She followed that up with “It’s Infinite,” and now she’s back with a final preview of Hannah before the whole album makes it out into the world in a couple weeks.
Read’s latest is called “Hannah Sun,” and she offered a somewhat amusing introduction to the track. “This song was written for three maybe four listeners to hear,” Read said in a statement. “But boomer Hannah forgot how the internet works and performed it on YouTube. Now it is for everyone. I am glad that people want to listen to this song, but I don’t understand why they want to.”
Well, since you are reading this, you are probably one of those people who wants to listen to this song. And you can do so below.
Hannah is out 9/4 via Double Double Whammy. Pre-order it here.