Naeem's Dance-Pop Love Song "Stone Harbor" Is A True Joy


Naeem's Dance-Pop Love Song "Stone Harbor" Is A True Joy

Naeem, the multifaceted art-pop artist formerly known as Spank Rock, is releasing his first album under his birth name at the end of the week. Thus far the singles from Startisha have included a Silver Apples cover and a rap song with vocals with Swamp Dogg and Justin Vernon (whose Bon Iver named a song on last year’s i,i after Naeem, and whose 37d03d organization is releasing the album). Now comes a third kind of track.

“Stone Harbor” is an uptempo dance-pop track built on breathy melodies, a contagious programmed beat, and bright synthetic horn blasts. Naeem calls it “a simple love song to my boyfriend, written in and named after the shore town he and his family spend their summers, Stone Harbor, NJ.” Listen below, and check out the recent New York Times profile on Naeem for more background on the album.

Startisha is out 6/12 via 37d03d. Pre-order it here.

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