Over the past few years, the Washington, DC band No/Más has conjured a supremely harsh version of extreme metal. No/Más’ sound doesn’t fit into any one subgenre. Instead, the band brings a guttural riff onslaught with elements of grindcore, death metal, D-beat, and thrash. If you’re at all into present-day metal extremists like Genocide Pact, then No/Más will probably be right up your alley. Today, the band has announced plans to follow their 2019 full-length debut Raíz Del Mal with the new album Consume / Deny / Repent.
No/Más recorded their new album with producer Taylor Young, who has played in bands like Twitching Tongues and Nails and God’s Hate. In recent years, Young has worked on tons of great hardcore and metal records; if you’re making heavy music right now, he’s probably the guy you want recording you. In a press release, No/Más guitarist John Letzkus says that the band wanted the album to be “riff-heavy and catchy.” If you can accept the idea that heavy music can be catchy, then first single “Exile” fits the bill beautifully.
“Exile” is an 85-second blitzkrieg. It’s punishingly fast, but there’s real snap in its riffage, and the bound sounds fully locked-in. Check out the song’s grainy, chaotic Drain Hope-directed video below.
01 “Manipulate-Consume”
02 “Sin Vergüenza”
03 “Exile”
04 “Interrogation”
05 “Sudor Frío”
06 “Mal De Ojo”
07 “Arson-Repent”
08 “Ciego”
09 “Ausencia De Luz”
10 “Refugio”
11 “Deny-Disgrace”
12 “Against My Will”
13 “Rabia”
14 “Police Brutality”
15 “Hypothermia”
Consume / Deny / Repent is out 4/29 on Closed Casket Activities.