Big week for Phoebe Bridgers. (Aren’t they all?) This week, Bridgers announced a new boygenius album; she’s also got featured spots on just-announced albums by the National and Arlo Parks. And in a new NME cover story, Shame drummer Charlie Forbes reveals that she also appears on their forthcoming album Food For Worms, which is out next month. But you might not be able to hear her.
Forbes explains: “We thought the song [‘Adderall’] had an American edge to it, and thought it would sound nice with a woman’s voice,” he said. “By chance she was recording in the same studio as us, and one day we did a trade where Josh went and did some tambourine on her new track, and she came in and did the vocal line on our track – which you can’t actually hear at all.”
He went on to note: “We went to an afterparty at her mum’s house after we played in LA. There was an in-house tarot reader, sushi, vegan Mexican food and tequila cocktails.”
Food For Worms is out 2/24 via Dead Oceans. Last week, they shared the single “Six-Pack.”