In October, Sofia Coppola is releasing her next movie, On The Rocks — which stars Bill Murray, Rashida Jones, and Marlon Wayans — in select theaters and on Apple TV+. Today, the film’s trailer was released and it features a brand-new Phoenix song called “Identical.” Continuing their long history of collaboration (Coppola and Phoenix leader Thomas Mars are married), Phoenix wrote the On The Rocks score and put together the movie’s soundtrack.
This is Phoenix’s first new track since 2017’s Ti Amo. Last year, they released a book about themselves. They’re still working on their Ti Amo follow-up. In a new interview with Zane Lowe for Apple Music, Mars talked a little bit about that new album: “There’s no coherence and it’s a little bit like our first record, maybe, United, which had songs that would explore heavy metal and then country music. And then this is the same sort of weird Frankenstein of an album.”
“Identical” comes with a visual of a Phoenix shirt being lit on fire that was directed by Roman Coppola. Watch and listen below.
And here’s the On The Rocks trailer:
On The Rocks will be out in October.