Ryan Hemsworth & Hovvdy's Charlie Martin Share New Quarter-Life Crisis Song: Listen


Ryan Hemsworth & Hovvdy's Charlie Martin Share New Quarter-Life Crisis Song: Listen

The consistently enjoyable producer Ryan Hemsworth launched his Quarter-Life Crisis project with “Postcard From Spain,” which found him teaming with Hop Along’s Frances Quinlan. He linked with a different figure from the indie rock and pop world for each song on the self-titled Quarter-Life Crisis EP, including Yohuna, Claud, and Hand Habits’ Meg Duffy. And today we hear what Hemsworth created with Charlie Martin of the blanket-warm Austin dream-pop duo Hovvdy.

Their track together is called “Waterfall,” and Martin explained its backstory in a statement:

Ryan doesn’t know it but this was my first experience writing to someone else’s music. i’m a big fan of his previous work; and it was really exciting to hear him sort of meeting me in the middle style-wise. there are so many hidden gems in the production. lyrically it explores a parallel i’ve been feeling lately: the difficulty of understanding and feeling understood and how sometimes that struggle almost mirrors the state of the planet. it’s like a downward spiraling feedback loop where any optimism feels like a triumph.

Listen below.

Quarter-Life Crisis is out 12/4 on Saddle Creek. Pre-order it here.

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