In the past couple years, the amorphous, genre-imploding Brooklyn collective Standing On The Corner have gained more notoriety thanks to some pretty big collaborations. They had a hand in albums like Earl Sweatshirt’s Some Rap Songs, Solange’s When I Get Home, and Danny Brown’s uknowhatimsayin¿. But they’d already garnered a fair bit of acclaim for their own releases, including their 2016 debut album and their 2017 mixtape RED BURNS. And this year, it seems like they’re getting back to putting out some more of their own music.
Back in May, Standing On The Corner shared a new track called “Angel.” Now, they’re back with a three-song single. It’s called “G-E-T-O-U-T!! The Ghetto,” and the single kicks off with parts I & II of that track. The first half charges out the gates with a bouncy rhythm and fizzy keyboards, before crash landing into the second passage, which is like a long video game meltdown of those same keys and synths growing more and more corroded. At the end there’s a separate track, “Zolo Go.” But it’s still of a piece with “G-E-T-O-U-T!! The Ghetto,” a similarly groovy-then-hazy head trip that stays true to the band’s sound collage adventurousness.
Check them out below.