London-based producer Tourist and New York-based producer the Range have teamed up for a new collaborative track called “Last,” which combines the latter’s sample-based approach and the former’s crisp sentimentality. The Range’s most recent album was 2016’s excellent Potential; Tourist put out two new albums, Everyday and Wild last year. The two of them previously toured together a few years ago.
“I think this song is a wonderful combination of Will’s and my individual music,” the Range’s James Hinton said in a statement. “I have fond memories of the day we made this one, as it was a beautiful day in London. This song captures an ephemeral sense of longing and transportation to me, particularly now for me as it feels like a totally different world from when Will and I wrote this song. In any case it’s an important song for both of us and we hope that feeling rings true to anyone listening.”
“‘Last’ to me, is a reflection on grief,” Tourist added. “I started this track with James a few years ago, and while writing it we noticed that we were hearing the lyric differently, I was hearing ‘you know you’re lost’ whereas James was hearing ‘you know you last’. The duality of that truth resonated with me, as both meanings are applicable when someone leaves us. It has struck a more personal chord recently, as recently one of my dearest friends passed away very suddenly.”
Listen below.
“Last” is out now via Monday Records.