
Bad Moves – "End Of Time"

Last month, the Washington, DC band Bad Moves announced their sophomore album, Untenable, with the urgent and bouncy lead single “Party With The Kids Who Want To Party With You.” The planned release date of the album has been pushed back a month — to late June — in order to account for a vinyl […]


Gordi – "Volcanic"

Australian musician Sophie Payten, who puts out music as Gordi, announced her sophomore album, Our Two Skins, last month. It features the previously released singles “Aeroplane Bathroom” and “Sandwiches” and the new single “Volcanic,” which she’s releasing today. It’s a taut piece of Bon Iver-adjacent pop-rock, which makes sense considering Payten has been involved with […]


Bibio – "Sleep On The Wing"

Stephen Wilkinson’s last Bibio album, Ribbons, came out in April of last year. He’s already back with a followup: Another new Bibio album, Sleep On The Wing, will be out in June. It’s a quick successor that plays with a lot of the same themes and aesthetics of Ribbons, and it’s primarily instrumental album drawing […]


Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever – "Falling Thunder"

Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever recently announced the impending release of their sophomore album Sideways To New Italy, the followup to their highly addicting debut album Hope Downs. Based on everything we’ve heard so far, it seems as if Sideways To New Italy will deliver again — the band is only further refining their formula, and […]


Sinead O'Brien – "Roman Ruins"

If you’ve been paying attention to the rock scene of the UK and Ireland in recent years, you are probably already familiar with Dan Carey and the wave of artists associated with him. The Speedy Wunderground head has proven to be a crucial figure in bringing this weird, unclassifiable generation of new, arty rock bands […]


Dirty Projectors – "Lose Your Love"

Back in March, Dirty Projectors released a new EP called Windows Open, featuring band member Maia Friedman on lead vocals throughout. Turns out that Windows Open wasn’t a standalone project, but instead the first of five EPs the band plans to release this year. A different band member will sing one each of the first […]

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