Music Venues Are Hopeful To Reopen By June 15th In California


Music Venues Are Hopeful To Reopen By June 15th In California

If it’s felt like forever since the last time you’ve seen a live show, you’re not alone. During the pandemic in the past year, the majority of the world was unable to enjoy live music and see their favorite artists perform. Venues across the country have been closed, and music tours canceled from high-profile artists to new bands and everyone in between. But finally, music fans have something to look forward to.

California Governor Gavin Newsom announced that concert venues and performing arts centers in the state will likely be able to “fully open” by June 15, 2021. While the date isn’t set in stone, California’s decreasing rate of coronavirus infections have many believing that mid-June is a strong possibility.

While concerts may not look exactly like they used to right away, with mask mandates and limited capacity rules in place, it’s the light at the end of the tunnel for many in the music industry who haven’t stepped on stage in over a year.

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