Genre-bending and rising artist Chandler, who made an impressive debut in 2022 with “Miss Me and You Hate It” returns with an emotional single titled “Nightlight.” The urban musician reveals that the song tells the story of a boy who falls in love “with a suicidal and mentally unstable girl… And tries to help by being her “Nightlight”… (Light in the Dark).”
Struggling with autism and Borderline Personality Disorder, Chandler has learned to translate his negative emotions and energy into poetry. This has only shaped him to become a more unique artist, as he embraces his weaknesses and transforms them into art.
“I think it started with poetry,” explains Chandler who admits that the art form “was an emotional outlet I found to be an expressional canvas of words, merging into music just made the whole thing more beautifully complex.”
Chandler believes that the more he releases music, the more people will understand who he is as an artist. Following “Nightlight,” he plans to drop “All Alone,” which is to come out very soon.
Listen to “Nightlight” on Spotify: