Bedouine, Hurray For The Riff Raff, Waxahatchee – "Thirteen" (Big Star Cover)


Bedouine, Hurray For The Riff Raff, Waxahatchee – "Thirteen" (Big Star Cover)

Bedouine’s Azniv Korkejian, Waxahatchee’s Katie Crutchfield, and Hurray For The Riff Raff’s Alynda Segarra have teamed up for a collaborative cover of Big Star’s 1972 classic “Thirteen.” As Korkejian explains, the genesis of the cover dates back to when all three artists were touring together two years ago:

This all started in 2018 when I opened a three bill tour for co-headliners Waxahatchee and Hurray for the Riff Raff. We threw the idea around of doing a song together but weren’t sure what. I was backstage in Columbia, MO when I realized it was the anniversary of Big Star’s ‘93 reunion show that had also taken place in Columbia. I was fiddling around with the song in my dressing room when Katie and Alynda walked in. Suddenly I remembered there were 3 verses to split up. We played it as an homage that night and every night after. After the tour wrapped up, I think it was Kevin Morby that insisted we track and share it. Down the road, Katie wrote me that she would be in LA so I tracked the guitar and she came by to visit and put down her part. Down the road some more Alynda put down her part from New Orleans and sent it over the ether. Now 2 years later we’re finally getting to share it.

While performing the original cover on tour was an homage to Big Star, the release of the cover today is an homage to entire touring wold itself, which remains mostly on hold thanks to the pandemic. Listen to three very talented musicians take on a very pretty song below.

The Bedouine/Hurray For The Riff Raff/Waxahatchee cover of “Thirteen” is out now on Spacebomb.

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