Discover Jake Oulton’s Flawless, Flirty Song “Rodeo”


Discover Jake Oulton’s Flawless, Flirty Song “Rodeo”

Canadian singer-songwriter Jake Oulton is on the rise with a romantic country song in his pocket. “Rodeo” has it all — confident vocals, lyrical language, dynamic music and the iconic six-string. Jake Oulton displays his versatility in full after coming out with a powerful debut single “Life On THe Highway”, a much more serious and deeply moving song.   

The artist has launched his musical career just recently, having spent all of 2020 writing song after song. A hard worker to his bones, Jake Oulton has an impeccable taste in what makes great hip hop hits and does a great job of utilising that knowledge in his art. 

Jake Oulton can be found on: InstagramSpotifySoundCloud

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