In March, Kele (of Bloc Party) will release his sixth studio album, The Flames, Pt. 2. Back in November, Kele shared the album’s lead single, “Vandal,” and today he’s back with “True Love Knows No Death.”
“A love letter to the people you’ve never noticed before,” Kele’s latest is built on twirling, stop-start guitars and a stomp-clap beat. “Since the pandemic I’ve been spending a lot more time at home, walking around my neighbourhood a lot more, and noticing people that I hadn’t really noticed before,” he explains. “This song is an ode to the people that I see everyday, people that are living on the edge, choosing to live outside of society, for better or for worse.”
Listen below.
The Flames Pt. 2 is out 3/24 via KOLA Records / !K7.