My Bloody Valentine’s Kevin Shields Hid A Thumb Drive Of New Music In His Fender Signature Guitar Pedals

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My Bloody Valentine’s Kevin Shields Hid A Thumb Drive Of New Music In His Fender Signature Guitar Pedals


If you’re into guitar pedals, then you might have seen Fender’s recently released (and first-ever) signature fuzz, which is based on what Kevin Shields uses in My Bloody Valentine. This limited release contained only 700 pedals worldwide, and each came with a signed booklet and a fancy cardboard box. (If you want more specs and pricing, Guitar Bomb has them.) Anyway, turns out there’s also an Easter Egg / Golden Ticket inside 100 of these pedals: a USB thumb drive with an exclusive piece of music from Shields himself.

According to Guitar Bomb and The Gear Page forum, these hidden USB thumb drives contains a track by Shields along with instructions to play at 80dB and above on speakers. Watch Shields talk about his first signature pedal (which cost about $500 each) via Reverb below.

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