In recent years, a lot of bands who come from the hardcore world have been embracing the fuzzed-out sounds of ’90s alt-rock radio. Higher Power, Drug Church, Fiddlehead, Culture Abuse, Narrow Head, and Gouge Away all embody that trend to some extent, and Soul Blind fit right in there. Soul Blind come from the same Hudson Valley, New York hardcore scene that birthed bands like Mindforce and All Out War, but Soul Blind don’t make hardcore. Instead, their sound is a dreamy fuzz-pedal trudge that exists somewhere on the continuum between grunge and shoegaze.
Soul Blind have been self-releasing music since 2018, and they’ve claimed bands like Hum, Failure, and Deftones as influences. Their music can be heavy, and it can sometimes show flashes of the hardcore that’s deep in its DNA. But the emphasis is more on seasick melody and gooey guitar dynamics. It’s a sound that never really goes out of style, and they’re good at making it.
Thus far, Soul Blind haven’t released an album. Instead, their recorded output is limited to a couple of self-released 2018 EPs and a 2019 promo. But today, the band has compiled all of its recorded material onto a new record called Greatest Hits Vol. 1. It plays together surprisingly cohesively, as if they always meant for the album to hang together like this. And since this is a band who cares deeply about things like guitar tone, the self-released music doesn’t sound small or lo-fi. It’s the kind of thing that you’ll probably be into if you like ’90s alt-rock — and if you are reading this website, you probably like ’90s alt-rock at least a little bit. Stream it below.
Greatest Hits Vol. 1 is out now on Trip Machine Laboratories.