As usual, Drake’s new album For All The Dogs is stuffed with guests, samples, subliminals, oversharing, and all manner of pop culture ephemera. One ingredient in the stew: About two and a half minutes into the Chief Keef collab “All The Parties,” Drake sings the chorus of “West End Girls,” the immortal Pet Shop Boys synthpop jam that hit #1 in 1986. According to Pet Shop Boys, he did so without permission.
In a tweet, the band writes, “Surprising to hear @Drake singing the chorus of ‘West End girls’ in the track ‘All the Parties’ on his new album. No credit given or permission requested.” C’mon Drake! Kick Neil Tennant some cash.
In other Drake news, he announced on his SiriusXM show Table For One today that he’s taking about a year off from making music to focus on his health. “I’ve been having the craziest problems for years with my stomach,” he told listeners. He might have to deal with some Pet Shop Boys paperwork before truly slowing down, though.